BOW’s short conversational videos/podcast episodes are designed to help us fulfill Jesus’ commands to love our neighbors as ourselves by treating others as we would have them treat us. You can link to the podcast episode from the descriptions of the videos.
- Becoming Communities of Belonging — How can our churches and groups become places of welcome for people with disabilities?
- What Does it Mean to Be the Image of God? — How do we care for others made the image of God?
- Caring for Women Who Struggle with Porn shares information & suggestions for dealing with a growing problem.
- Recognizing Rape Culture What is rape culture and how can we help bring change?
- In Support and Love for Widows, Claudia McGuire discusses how we as God’s people can care well for widows.
- Ministering to Gen Z
- Kay Daigle’s Learning to Love Our Neighbors shares reflections on her recent trip to the border and a biblical response.
- Sexual Identity & Gender Identity Dr. Sandra Glahn and Dr. Gary Barnes discuss this topic and the church’s response.
- Post-Roe: Supporting Mothers and Babies How do we as the church care well for women and their children now that Dobbs has overturned the right to an abortion? Sharifa Stevens and Kay Daigle discuss it.
- Sexual Abuse and the Church Mary DeMuth shares how we as the church should respond when a victim shares about sexual abuse.
- Diversity of a Different Kind gives guidance to carry the right attitude into conflict.
- Embrace the Impact of Prayer helps us care well for others through intercession.
- On the issue of racial reconciliation and caring well for our brothers & sisters, we have two series: Leading Toward Racial Reconciliation and Beginning the Road to Racial Reconciliation.
- Minister well to singles through The Forgotten Ones: Singles and the Church.
- Ministering TO Millennials
Recognizing Rape Culture
Dr. Joy Skarka joins Kay Daigle to define and explain rape culture and suggest how we can help bring change. Watch the video below or listen to this episode BOW’s podcast.
–with Dr. Joy Skarka and Kay Daigle
Ministering to Gen Z
Gen Z is the latest generation now becoming adults. As we learn about them, how does the church respond well to their needs? Nika Spaulding joins Kay Daigle for this insightful conversation. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Nika Spaulding and Kay Daigle
Helpful Resource List
Learning to Love Our Neighbors
Kay Daigle’s reflections on her recent trip to the border and a biblical response. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Kay Daigle and Kelley Mathews
Resources on Immigration
Sexual Identity & Gender Identity
Dr. Sandra Glahn and Dr. Gary Barnes discuss sexual identity and gender identity, explaining how identity is formed and providing insight into how the church and individuals can wisely respond biblically. You can also access it on our podcast.
–with Dr. Sandra Glahn, Dr. Gary Barnes and Kay Daigle.
Download Resource for Sexual Identity & Gender Identity or BOW’s Helpful Resource List
Diversity of a Different Kind
Oletha Barnett, author of Diversity of a Different Kind, joins BOW Ministry Team member Kelley Mathews to discuss looking at conflict resolution through the lens of diversity. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Oletha Barnett and Kelley Mathews
Seven Points to Improve Relationships Resource
Beginning the Road to Racial Reconciliation
All believers can take healing steps toward our brothers and sisters. Watch the videos below, or download/listen to 1- Where to Begin, 2- Evaluating and Listening, 3- Do’s and Don’ts and 4- Empathy not Sympathy.
–with Sharifa Stevens and Susan Seay
Resources on Racial Issues
Leading Toward Racial Reconciliation
Grow in understanding of the reasons for the racial divide and help with what to do about it. Watch the videos below, or download/listen to the podcast episodes “What is White Privilege“, “It’s a Gospel Issue” or “Reconciliation 101“.
–with Sharifa Stevens and Kelley Mathews
Resources on Racial Issues
Becoming Communities of Belonging
Amy Julia Becker provides practical advice for how to welcome people with disabilities into our churches and groups. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Amy Julia Becker and Kay Daigle
What Does it Mean to BE the Image of God?
How does the truth that all of us are the image of God affect the way we care for our neighbors? You can also access it on our podcast.
–with Nika Spaulding and Kay Daigle
Resources for What Does It Mean to BE God’s Image?
Caring for Women Who Struggle with Porn
Dr. Joy Skarka joins Kay Daigle to share her personal experience and knowledge to help Christians understand how to care well for women caught up in porn. Joy provides a wealth of information and helpful suggestions for Christian women who influence or lead other women as well as parents who desire to protect their children. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Dr. Joy Skarka and Kay Daigle
Download Resources for Caring for Women Who Struggle with Porn
Support and Love for Widows
How do we care well for widows? Claudia McGuire, BOW Ministry Team Member, joins Kay Daigle to discuss the needs and suggestions for meeting those needs. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Claudia McGuire and Kay Daigle
Post-Roe: Supporting Mothers & Babies
Sharifa Stevens, member of the BOW Ministry Team, and Kay Daigle discuss practical ways to live out a pro-life ethic now that Roe has been overturned. Listen to or download the podcast.
–with Sharia Stevens and Kay Daigle
Sexual Abuse and the Church
Mary DeMuth, author of We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis and The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible: What Their Stories Teach Us About Thriving, joins BOW Ministry Team member Kelley Mathews to discuss how we as the church should respond when a victim shares about sexual abuse. You can also access it on our podcast.
–with Mary DeMuth and Kelley Mathews
Embrace the Impact of Prayer
Crickett Keeth, author of On Bended Knee, joins BOW Team member Sharifa Stevens in this three-part video series on prayer. Podcast episodes of 1- Understand the Purpose of Prayer, 2- Remove the Hindrances to Prayer and 3- Embrace the Power of Prayer have been posted if you prefer that format.
–with Crickett Keeth and Sharifa Stevens
The Forgotten Ones: Singles and the Church
Elizabeth Woodson shares insights from her leadership experience with singles about what ministry to this group is, what it should be, and how to get there. Part 1-Where We Are, Part 2-Where We Should Be and Part 3-How to Get Where We Should Be are available on BOW’s podcast.
– with Elizabeth Woodson and Kay Daigle
Millennials: The Good, the Bad, and the Ministry Series
Maybe you’ve heard bad reports of Millennials or don’t know how to relate to them in the church. Nika Spaulding discusses them with Kay in our free series Millennials: The Good, the Bad, and the Ministry. You can listen to the episodes on our podcast: Identifying Millennials, Ministering TO Millennials, Ministering WITH Millennials and Millennials and Fame.
– with Nika Spaulding and Kay Daigle
Resource on Millennials