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Deliverance: The Exodus and Jesus

Are you aware that God used the exodus and Moses’ life to provide pictures of Jesus so that when he appeared in the midst of the Jewish culture, his people would recognize him? The similarities are amazing! As you delve into Deliverance: The Exodus and Jesus, you’ll be astonished at all the parallels you’ll find. The Bible is one big story, and God uses the Hebrew Bible as the foundation for the story of Jesus. You’ll go away convinced like never before that God’s Spirit was behind the words of the human authors of Scripture and the events in the story of the exodus.

The long-term purpose for our studies is discipleship. This 8-week study of the Exodus has 7 lessons that involve weekly three-part lessons with open-ended questions that challenge the student to think deeply about the Scriptures and her own life.

Do the study alone, with a partner or small group, or use it in your church-wide women’s Bible study.

Prices are for download and include Texas state tax.

  • Deliverance: The Exodus & Jesus (Individual download)

  • Deliverance: The Exodus & Jesus (Download for groups of 10)

Contact us for groups that are larger than ten members