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The ONE Story

A Journaling Study

Often we see God’s Word as diverse and unrelated stories of various people, but it is actually a bigger story – God’s story. To understand who God is and his relationship with the world, we look at the larger story from Genesis to Revelation.

The ONE Story is an 8-week study designed for groups to meet nine weeks. Each weekly three-part study is based on general, open questions that encourage writing instead of set answers, and is accompanied by a woman’s story on free video to watch individually online. (See the links below.)

Do the study alone, with a friend or small group, or use it for your church-wide women’s Bible study.

Prices are for downloads and include Texas sales tax. Printed copies are available through Amazon.

  • The ONE Story (Individual download)

  • The ONE Story (Download for groups of 10)

Contact us for groups that are larger than ten members
Watch Video: Tips for Leading a Journaling Study

The ONE Story Lived Out Today