Meet our Video/Podcast Contributors

Kelly Arabie currently serves on staff with Grafted Life Ministries, inviting believers into deeper relationship with God through intentional engagement with him and the Body of Christ. Kelly has served in pastoral ministry in the local church and parachurch ministry for more than two decades. She graduated with an MA in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary with a focus on ministry to women.
Kelly enjoys writing, care for the soul, honest heart conversations and a hot cup of tea. You can connect with her at

Kat Armstrong
Kat Armstrong was born in Houston, Texas, where the humidity ruins her Mexi-German curls. She is a powerful voice in our generation as a sought-after Bible teacher and innovative ministry leader. She holds a master’s degree from Dallas Theological Seminary and is the author of No More Holding Back and The In-Between Place.
In 2008, Kat cofounded the Polished Network to gather working women in person and online to navigate career and explore faith in authentic community. As the host of The Polished Podcast, she interviews working women at the crossroads of faith and work.
Kat is pursuing a doctorate of ministry in New Testament context at Northern Seminary and is a board member of Pillar Seminary. She and her husband, Aaron, have been married for nineteen years and live in Dallas, Texas, with their son, Caleb, and attend Dallas Bible Church, where Aaron serves as the lead pastor.

Joye Baker
Dr. Joye Baker earned her Master of Christian Education and Doctor of Ministry degrees from Dallas Theological Seminary with an emphasis in ministry with women. As Adjunct Professor and Women’s Adviser in the Educational Ministries and Leadership Department, she advises and mentors women students, teaches Christian Education courses, serves on the staff of the DTS Spiritual Formation Small Group Program and team-teaches the DMin/DEdMin Women in Ministry cohort.
She has traveled to Russia fourteen times training Russian women in ministry to women as well as spoken at various women’s events. She attends Northwest Bible Church where she is active in the NBC Women’s Ministry. She provides leader training and teaches and leads a small group in their weekly Bible study.
Joye has been a widow for thirty-three years and has a daughter and two sons and a daughter-in-law. She enjoys being Mimi to her three grandsons, Trevan, Caden and Dylan.
You can contact Joye at

Gary Barnes
Dr. Gary Barnes is Professor of Counseling Ministries at Dallas Theological Seminary. He is an ordained minister and a licensed psychologist who specializes in marriage and family research, counseling, and training. After graduating from DTS he served as an assistant pastor for seven years. While in the New York area he was a research project coordinator at NYU Medical Center’s Family Studies Clinic and later completed a two-year postdoctoral fellowship through Parkland Hospital (Dallas) and the Child Guidance Clinics of Dallas and Texoma.
His great celebrations of life are his wife, four adult kids plus three more by marriage, nine grandkids, and bicycle racing.

Oletha Barnett
Oletha Barnett is the Director of the Conflict Resolution/Mediation Ministry at Oak Cliff Bible Fellowship, which assists members to resolve conflict biblically. Her book, Diversity of a Different Kind: A Fresh Approach to Resolving Conflict, helps all believers deal well with conflict.
She is also responsible for teaching conflict resolution in the church’s Bible Institute, a prerequisite class to become a leader at Oak Cliff. She became a Certified Christian Conciliator with Peacemaker Ministries and formerly coached others to become certified by supervising a portion of their cases on behalf of Peacemaker Ministries. She continues to serve on the Peacemaker Ministries Board of Directors.
Though Oletha is an attorney and mediator, her primary focus is ministry, mostly related to conflict resolution. Her conflict resolution services include her private Christian mediations for biblical resolution of conflict.
Oletha holds the degrees of Bachelor of Science (mathematics) and Juris Doctor (law) and an MA in Christian Education from Dallas Theological Seminary. She resides in Desoto, TX.

Amy Julia Becker
Amy Julia Becker helps people reimagine the good life through her writing and speaking on disability, faith, and culture. She is the author of To Be Made Well, White Picket Fences, Small Talk, and A Good and Perfect Gift. She is a guest opinion writer for national publications and hosts the Reimagining the Good Life podcast.
Amy Julia is a graduate of Princeton University and Princeton Theological Seminary (MDiv).
She lives with her husband and their three children in western Connecticut.

Susan Binion
Susan has been a global worker with TEAM since 1988 when she, along with her husband Eric and 8-month-old daughter, moved to South Africa to join a church planting team. In 1993 they moved to the Union Bible Institute in a nearby province and have been serving there ever since. In the early days of their ministry, Susan’s primary focus was discipling their four children, but over time she began to be involved in the ministry of the college. UBI’s purpose is to develop Christ-like servant leaders committed to Christ and his great commission, and relational discipleship outside of the classroom is a key component of UBI’s philosophy.
Susan teaches occasionally and finds many ways to disciple or mentor students, UBI staff and TEAM co-workers in a variety of contexts. She founded a ministry for the wives of male students at UBI. She also serves as the music director for UBI and leads UBI Publishing, which produces materials primarily in isiZulu for use by UBI and for the growth of the church at large. Susan has taught Sunday school for many years in their local church. She has four grown children and five grandchildren. When they are in the US, their home base is Dallas, Texas.

Rebecca Carrell
Rebecca Carrell is, in order of importance, a joyful Jesus follower, wife to Mike, mother to Caitlyn and Nick, Bible teacher, conference speaker, author, and an award-winning broadcaster. A proud DTS’er through and through, she graduated with her Master of Arts in Christian Education in 2023 and is currently working toward her Doctor of Education.
After spending over twenty years on the radio in Dallas/Fort Worth, she now mentors and teaches students at Dallas Theological Seminary in two departments: Media Arts and Worship and Educational Ministries and Leadership.
In her spare time, Rebecca hosts and produces the podcast Honestly, Though: Real Talk. Real Life. Real Faith. Find out more about her and her ministry at Rebecca-Carrell-dot-com.

Michelle Clifford
Michelle Clifford is the creator and writer of the “Pursuit Discipleship Program.” She has a heart and passion to point women toward a deep and meaningful relationship with Jesus that equips them to step out and be disciples who make disciples. She has a heart for developing women to recognize their unique purpose for the glory of God and the building up of His church.
Michelle is on staff at Scottsdale Bible Church in Scottsdale, Arizona as Minister of Staff Development. Previously, she was the Minister to Women and began her journey as a Minister in Residence. She is a graduate of the University of North Texas with a B.S. in science and Phoenix Seminary with a M.A. in Ministry.
Michelle has been married to Jared Clifford and they have two children, Chase and Morgan.

Cheyenne Coote
Cheyenne Coote is a current student at Dallas Theological Seminary pursuing her Masters of Theology degree with an emphasis in counseling. Both sides of her family are Jamaican but she was born and raised in Washington, D.C., the greatest city ever!
She is passionate about helping other young women find their satisfaction and wholeness in Christ. In her free time, she enjoys spending time with family and friends, cooking, reading and watching new TV shows.

Kay Daigle
Dr. Kay Daigle loves to teach the Bible and develop women as servant-leaders. She is the Founder and Executive Director of Beyond Ordinary Women Ministries, purposed to prepare Christian women for leadership by providing resources to inspire and equip them to influence others, from one person to an entire ministry.
Kay spent ten years leading women’s ministries on church staffs, most recently at Northwest Bible Church in Dallas, Texas. Kay is the author of From Ordinary Woman to Spiritual Leader: Grow your Influence, a practical and simple guide to help all Christian women apply foundational leadership skills in every area of their lives, and a number of Bible studies for women. Kay earned a MACE from Dallas Theological Seminary and a DMin from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary in Effective Ministries to Women.
Kay’s family includes her husband Gary, two grown children and their spouses, two granddaughters and an entertaining Goldendoodle. She loves Tex-Mex, seafood, books, movies, travel, the Texas Rangers, and especially time with family and good friends. Look for her in the Dallas area driving her sporty little car.

Mary DeMuth
Mary DeMuth is an author of more than forty books, a podcaster at PRAY EVERY DAY, an artist, and a literary agent with a passion for the Lord. Her latest books, We Too: How the Church Can Respond Redemptively to the Sexual Abuse Crisis and The Most Misunderstood Women of the Bible: What Their Stories Teach Us About Thriving, are highlighted in the BOW video “Sexual Abuse and the Church.”
She and her husband, Patrick, have three adult children and reside near Dallas, Texas. For more information on Mary DeMuth, go to

Natalie Eastman
Dr. Natalie R. W. Eastman knows, because she researched the heck out of it and because she lived it, that a lot of women who love the Lord and want to serve him with their whole lives don’t feel confident entering into theological or biblical conversations that involve biblical interpretation. Too often they have not been taught to discern Scripture’s answers for themselves and depend on what their pastor, denomination or commentary says. The big questions always lead back to this central one: “How do I know what to believe?”
At God’s prompting, Natalie distilled her MDiv (’02) and DMin (’05) degrees from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary, seven years of full-time youth ministry, and 23 years of volunteer ministry into a book Women, Leadership, and the Bible: How Do I Know What to Believe? A Practical Guide to Biblical Interpretation. She is also the founder and host of free online training opportunities called Your Biblical Breakthrough: Training Summits for Women. She also writes and curates training articles from other biblical scholars at Her focus in on teaching women best practices in Bible study and interpretation, so they can stand on “their own two interpretive feet” in nearly any theological conversation.
Natalie loves traveling cross-culturally; singing; teaching singing (; dark chocolate; sailing; walking among trees; the fresh smell of dirt and leaves; hiking in pretty places; a great book; all beaches everywhere; hydrangeas; leafy-green vegetables; lifelong friends; extended family; family in Christ; and seeing life in Christ afresh through a young believer’s eyes. If you’d like to connect with Natalie, please reach out:

Sue Edwards
Dr. Sue Edwards, Professor of Educational Ministries and Leadership at Dallas Theological Seminary, has taught at DTS for 20 years. She has a doctorate from Gordon-Conwell seminary in Boston, a masters in Bible from DTS, and bachelors degree in journalism from Trinity University She also has over 40 years experience as a Bible teacher, overseer of ministries to women, and author.
Sue is the co-author of six leadership books: Leading Women Who Wound; Mixed Ministry, Working Together as Brothers and Sisters in an Oversexed Society; Organic Ministry to Women; Organic Mentoring, A Mentor’s Guide to Relationships with Next Generation Women; Invitation to Educational Ministry and 40 Questions About Women in Ministry (to be released in October 2022).
Author of the Discover Together Bible Study Series featuring 17 books of the Bible (, Sue’s newest studies are:
- 1 and 2 Thessalonians, Discovering Hope in a Promised Future
- Isaiah, Discovering Assurance Through Prophecies About Your Mighty King
Married for 50 years, she and David are members of Northwest Bible Church and are the proud parents of two married daughters and the grandparents of five. David is a retired computer engineer who serves the Lord as a lay prison chaplain. She loves chocolate, strong coffee and taking walks with their westies, Quigley and Emma Jane.

Angela Everett
Angela Everett holds a Masters degree in Archaeology & Biblical History, and is currently pursuing a PhD in the same field. She annually (when not in a pandemic!) digs at an archaeological site in Jordan that she believes after 16 years of excavation to be the infamous city of Sodom.
Angela has recently begun public speaking on Biblical Archaeology and other faith building topics. Her greatest desire is to confirm the historicity and veracity of the biblical text, and show others that they can trust the Bible, and in turn trust the God of the Bible.
Angela is a crawfish eating, beach loving Cajun girl that has a passion for Biblical Archaeology. When she’s not home schooling the last of her six kids, being Mia to her five grandkids, or dating her husband Zach of almost 30 years, she spends her time “Digging Up Some Faith” for others. Angela can be contacted at angela_everett_archaeologist on instagram.

Sandra Glahn
Sandra Glahn is Professor of Media Arts and Worship at Dallas Theological Seminary (DTS). She holds a Master of Theology (ThM) degree from DTS and a PhD in The Humanities—Aesthetic Studies from the University of Texas at Dallas. Glahn is a journalist and the author or coauthor of more than twenty books, including the Coffee Cup Bible Study series (AMG) and her most recent release Nobody’s Mother: Artemis of the Ephesians in Antiquity and the New Testament (IVP Academic). She is a frequent podcast guest whose areas of expertise include Artemis, Ephesus, Bible books and backgrounds, women’s history and issues, the history of ideas about gender, sexuality, and ethics, and writing for publication.
She’s the wife of one husband, mother of one married daughter, Nana to one granddaughter, the owner of one cat, and a lover of dark chocolate.

Virginia Grounds
Virginia Grounds is an author, speaker, publisher, podcaster, and project manager of a publishing firm. She has years of experience teaching Bible Study in her home church and women’s events as well as serving in women’s ministry for years. In addition, she served with her husband for twenty years in full-time ministry to hurting people. Her experience of helping others through difficulty as well as her own difficulties have led her to a deeper trust, faith, and understanding of how God equips us for ministry through adversity.
Virginia is a recent widow with adult children and grandchildren who provide joy and fun to life. She completed Biblical Studies from Liberty University and has an honorary master’s.

Susie Hawkins
Susie Hawkins earned an MA in Christian Leadership and Theology at Criswell College and is the author of From One Ministry Wife to Another: Conversations about Ministry Connections (Moody, 2009). Previously, she served as the Director of Women’s Ministry at Prestonwood Baptist Church in Plano, Texas.
Susie and her husband O.S. have two daughters and six grandchildren, keeping her life full of craziness and joy.

Cheri Hudspith
Cheri Hudspeth is engaged in training the Life with God Leaders for Grafted Life Ministries. She is excited and grateful that her current role allows her to invest in the lives of church leaders.
In 2003, the Lord led Cheri to step away from her first career as a Certified Public Accountant and enter seminary. She completed a Master of Arts in Theology at Fuller Theological Seminary in 2008, there discovering the art of listening to the Lord and to others through prayer. She received additional training after Fuller, including becoming a Recommended Facilitator for Listen to My Life and completing spiritual direction training from Selah, a ministry of Leadership Transformations near Boston, Massachusetts.
Cheri lives with her husband Dave in Highland Village, Texas. They have entered the empty nest stage and enjoy every opportunity they have to share life with their son, Matt, and his family.

Crickett Keeth
Crickett Keeth is the Women’s Ministry Director at First Evangelical Church in Memphis, Tennessee, where she writes and teaches the women’s Bible studies. She is the author of The Gift of Rest, Sumatra with the Seven Churches (co-authored with Sandra Glahn), On Bended Knee and her newly released study from Moody, Before the Throne.
Crickett was on staff with Cru for ten years and is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary.
In addition to teaching regularly at her own church, she also speaks at women’s conferences and retreats. Learn more at

Irish Kinney
Irish Kinney has served in her home churches primarily leading Precept Bible studies or small groups. Using her love of language, she has edited church communications, BOW Bible studies and two Christian books. While serving on the board of an international missions organization, Irish traveled to Tanzania twice a year to teach and evangelize.
She has been married to her husband, Wayne, for 47 years. They have four grown children and six grandchildren. She loves reading, watching British crime series and creating with Lego.

Becky Loyd
Becky Loyd holds a bachelor’s in marketing and a master’s in business administration from Louisiana State University. Although her education centers on business and marketing, her call to ministry led her to Lifeway, where she is able to use her calling and her gifts to serve the local church.
Becky serves as an advocate for women in the local church through her work at Lifeway, where she has served for almost 24 years.
She is a homebody who loves to travel, and you will certainly find her watching funny videos of kittens in her spare time.

Lynn Etta Manning
Dr. Lynn Etta Manning has been in ministry with women for over 30 years. She retired from her role at Dallas Theological Seminary at the end of 2020 where she was on faculty and served as the Assistant Dean of Students and Advisor for Women for 16 years, having the privilege of being the Faculty Advisor for Arise, the campus women students’ group, developing student leaders and overseeing the many extra-curricular events provided for women students. She received both her MACE and DMin degrees at DTS. Her doctoral dissertation was focused on mentoring and women’s issues. Lynn Etta loves to minister to women in any culture or situation, teaching, mentoring, and encouraging, helping them to see and become all God intends for them to be.
Lynn Etta became a widow after Mike, her husband of 37 years, went home to be with the Lord in 2009. Their family includes a son and daughter, their spouses, and her six delightful grandchildren.
Lynn Etta enjoys spending time with her children and grandchildren, entertaining people in her home, cooking, health coaching, golfing, remodeling and being by the pool, or more specifically on the beach!

Kelley Mathews
Kelley Mathews has ministered to the church through writing and editing for over 25 years. Co-author of eight books, including 40 Questions about Women in Ministry (2022), she also serves on the publishing team at RightNow Media.
A former women’s ministry director and Bible study teacher, she has been married to John, a local school administrator, for 25 years. They are parents to four active, mostly grown children.
Kelley earned her Master of Theology from Dallas Theological Seminary in 2000 and is currently pursuing a Doctor of Ministry in Women, Theology, and Leadership from Houston Theological Seminary.

Claudia McGuire
Claudia McGuire built a ministry career at Chase Oaks Church in Plano, Texas, beginning in 1997 and served in several roles including Women’s Ministry Pastor, Connections Pastor, First Impressions Pastor and Venue Pastor. She retired as Leadership Development Pastor in 2014. A graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary, Claudia is also a Certified Life Purpose Coach, enjoying coaching others in their various life stages, teaching Bible Studies and speaking at workshops, trainings, seminars and retreats.
Claudia is a native Texan who loves spending time with her two daughters, sons-in-law and five wonderful grandchildren.

Jodie Niznik
Jodie Niznik, a lover of God’s Word, helps people create space for God in their lives through her Scripture meditation podcast and equips them to take another step with Jesus through her Real People, Real Faith Bible studies and teaching. You can connect with her at
Jodie has an undergraduate degree in broadcast journalism from the University of Colorado and a master’s degree in Christian education with an emphasis in women’s ministry from Dallas Theological Seminary. Jodie is married to Tim. They have two adult daughters, two son-in-law’s and a very poorly trained Yorkie-poo.

Amy Peeler
The Rev. Amy Peeler, Ph.D. is an Associate Professor of New Testament at Wheaton College, IL and an Associate Rector at St. Mark’s Episcopal Church in Geneva, IL. Author of Women and Gender of God, “You Are My Son”: The Family of God inthe Epistle to the Hebrews, and co-author with Patrick Gray of Hebrews: An Introduction and Study Guide, she continues to research, write, and speak on Hebrews and familial language in the New Testament.
Rev. Dr. Peeler received her BA in Biblical Languages from Oklahoma Baptist University, M.Div. and Ph.D. in New Testament from Princeton Theological Seminary, and served as a Senior Research Fellow with the Logos Institute at the University of St. Andrews. She is an active member of the Institute for Biblical Research, Society of Biblical Literature, and a Fellow with the Center for Pastor Theologians. Her current research includes a commentary on Hebrews with Eerdmans.
In addition to teaching, preaching, and writing, Rev. Dr. Peeler enjoys running, CrossFit, and time with her husband Lance, a church organist and liturgical scholar, and their three children.

Julie Pierce
Julie has one big dream: to empower leaders to change the world. She does this by developing leaders through one-on-one coaching, consulting with teams, and communicating with groups.
After receiving her communications degree from Texas A&M University, she led communications and marketing efforts for Insight for Living, Prestonwood Baptist Church, and Nokia Mobile Phones. For almost a decade, she served pastors and teams at Irving Bible Church as Directional Leader to Women, leader of the Communications team, and as an Executive Team member.
Later on, she was invited to serve as Director of Leadership Development for Valley Creek Church where she led, taught, and launched their Follow leadership conference, staff leadership development efforts, LeaderStep leadership classes, and Valley Creek Leadership Academy (a nine month gap year program for young adults). After all this leadership fun, Julie’s favorite roles continue to be wife and mom. She is married to Brian and has two teenage boys and a labrador who keep her on her toes.
You can learn more about Julie on her website, or contact her at julie@juliepierceleadership.

Michelle Pokorny
Dr. Michelle Pokorny developed a passion for women’s ministry while serving as a counselor at Pine Cove Christian Camps. Her desire to see women thrive in their gifting led her to Dallas Theological Seminary to gain a solid biblical and theological foundation. After receiving her MACE in Women’s Ministry, Dr. Pokorny began working with East-West Ministries, International, where she served in Human Resources and on the Women’s Ministries Training Team. She presently serves as the Associate Director of Spiritual Formation at DTS, where her primary role is to help women on campus facilitate authentic community and cultivate their spiritual lives. She also teaches doctoral classes in the Spiritual Formation cohort.
Michelle is married to Mark and their favorite hobbies include traveling, exercising and enjoying food and laughter with friends and family.

Kristen Pool
Kristen Pool has the honor of serving as the Women’s Minister at Dallas Bible Church. Originally from the suburbs of Cleveland, Ohio, she has called Texas home for the last fifteen years. She received her Bachelor of Arts degree from Cedarville University and her Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary. She enjoys writing and speaking, and you can follow her at
Kristen is married to Andrew, a high school teacher and instructional coach, and they have two beautiful boys, Auburn and Macallan.

Jackie Roese
Dr. Jackie Roese is the Founder and President of The Marcella Project, a ministry committed to ennobling women through Scripture – focused teaching, training, and dialogue. She has a Master of Christian Education and a DMin in Preaching. Jackie spent eight years serving in a megachurch as Teaching Pastor to Women as well as serving on the Sunday morning preaching team.
She has taught women’s Bible studies for over twenty years. She has written more than fifteen Bible studies and authored three books: She Can Teach, Lime Green: Reshaping Our View of Women in the Church and I’m Enough: Learning to Live Confidently in Your Own Skin. She and Dr. Sue Russell co-authored Relationshift: Changing the Conversation About Men and Women in the Church. She’s taught at women’s conferences in Africa and at home in the U.S. and trained women here and abroad to preach through her She Can Teach course. Her online masterclass I’m Enough is proving to be a powerful source for good in our time of #metoo to help women learn to live confidently in their own skin.
More about Jackie Roese and the I’m Enough masterclass can be found at and and on @TheMarcellaProject Facebook page.

Kaitlyn Schiess
Kaitlyn Schiess is an author, speaker, and perpetual theology student. She is the author of The Ballot and the Bible (Brazos, 2023) and The Liturgy of Politics (IVP, 2020), and her writing has appeared in Christianity Today, The New York Times, Christ and Pop Culture, RELEVANT, and Sojourner.
She is a co-host and Senior Editor of the Holy Post podcast, and the host of Curiously, Kaitlyn.
She has a ThM in systematic theology from Dallas Theological Seminary and is currently a doctoral student in theology at Duke Divinity School.

Susan Seay
With over 150,000 downloads, the Mentor for Moms Podcast with Susan Seay is THE place for moms that struggle with burnout and boundaries to get practical tools and lots of encouragement. As a wife and mom to seven, international speaker, and Certified Life Coach Susan understands the challenges of trying to be intentional in the busy years of parenting. Her uncommon wisdom can help moms become more intentional and live on purpose. Download your FREE guide “12 Things Intentional Moms Do Differently” – visit –
Susan and her college sweetheart Ron love to refer to their kids as the Seven Seays (their last name is pronounced “see”). They live and homeschool in Austin, Texas.

Gail Seidel
Dr. Gail Seidel is a native of Texas, a graduate of the University of Texas and Dallas Theological Seminary. She received her Doctor of Ministry Degree in Spiritual Formation from Gordon-Conwell Theological Seminary. She is a trained Spiritual Director.
Gail served as Women’s Director of Spiritual Formation in the Department of Spiritual Formation and Leadership at Dallas Seminary for seven years as an Adjunct Professor in the DMin studies’ Spiritual Formation track and as the Co-Director of Christian Women in Partnership-Russia, a ten-year training program.
Gail is a contributor to the book Foundations of Spiritual Formation and to the Engage Women’s Collective, a blog site of One of her greatest pleasures is accompanying and encouraging others to become all God intended them to be.
Gail is married to Dr. Andy Seidel, also a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary. They have two married children and six grandchildren. They now live in Fredericksburg, Texas.

Joy Skarka
Dr. Joy Skarka is the Authentic Intimacy (AI) Program Manager and is on the front lines of serving the Authentic Intimacy member community. She oversees the (AI) Online Book Studies, creates content, and speaks at ministry events. Joy has built a transformational ministry for women who struggle with sexual shame and pornography.
Joy is passionate about creating spaces to free women from sexual shame and leads online small groups for women with unwanted sexual behavior. She coaches and teaches Christian leaders how to help women find freedom from sexual shame and pornography.
Joy has a published chapter in Sanctified Sexuality: Valuing Sex in an Oversexed World and an ebook on Kindle, Freedom from Porn for Women: 6-Day Devotional and Bible Reading Plan. Joy has a new book coming out this summer, Her Freedom Journey: A Guide Out of Porn and Shame to Authentic Intimacy.
Joy has an MA in Christian Education and a Doctorate degree in Educational Ministry from Dallas Seminary (DTS), focusing on helping women find freedom from sexual shame. Her dissertation, Sexual Shame in Women and How to Experience Freedom, was published in 2022. Joy is married to Zack, and they live in Florida with their two children.

Donna Skell
With a heart for God, people and business, Donna Skell stays active in the Christian community. She has been involved with Roaring Lambs Ministries since its inception and came on staff in 2008. As Executive Director, Donna oversees all Roaring Lambs conferences, luncheons, chapters, events and Bible studies. She co-hosts an international radio show, A Time to Dream, on multiple networks featuring powerful faith stories. Donna is also co-editor and compiler of the award-winning Stories of Roaring Faith series.
Prior to that, Donna served as spokesperson with the American Tract Society. Along with her husband, Anton, Donna owned and operated a successful chain of ladies’ fitness clubs in the Dallas/Fort Worth area called Cosmopolitan Lady. Donna especially enjoys speaking to ladies groups, churches and retreats.
Her rich Jewish heritage and her study of God’s Word enhance her insight into the issues involved in Christian faith and living. In addition to her work with Roaring Lambs, Donna also serves in an advisory position with the Fellowship of Professional Women and the Christian Women in Media Association.

Nika Spaulding
Nika Spaulding grew up a jock, but sometime after the skinned knees and plastic trophies, she realized she was actually just a Bible Nerd. She spends her days studying and writing about the Bible and theology. But, the nights she spends still pretending to be a jock on the pickleball courts.
The greatest loves of her life are her nieces and nephew, and after them, her loves include Corrie the German Shepherd, Oklahoma Softball, and LeBron James. She believes in her bones that God loves you.

Kari Stainback
Kari Stainback graduated from Dallas Theological Seminary with a Master of Biblical Counseling. She serves as Director of Women’s Ministries at Park Cities Presbyterian Church in Dallas, Texas, where she oversees seven women’s Bible studies and co-teaches a study reaching young professional women.

Sharifa Stevens
Sharifa Stevens is a conglomeration of intersections: Bronx wisdom and prep-school code-switching; smoke shop Now-and-Laters and church peppermints; hip-hop and hymns. She graduated from Columbia University in New York with a bachelor’s degree in African American Studies before earning a Master of Theology degree from Dallas Theological Seminary.
Sharifa is a writer and editor. She contributed to the books Vindicating the Vixens: Revisiting Sexualized, Vilified, & Marginalized Women of the Bible and Rally: Communal Prayers for Lovers of Justice and Jesus.
Sharifa is married to a Renaissance man, and mother to two lively boys.

Debbie Stuart
Debbie Stuart has a passion for biblical literacy, practical application of biblical principles and effective ministry to women, including those incarcerated. Her utmost desire is to motivate women toward a deeper and more meaningful relationship with the One who loves them most. She is devoted to equipping women for leadership under the guidelines of God’s Word.
Debbie is presently the Women’s Minister at Green Acres Baptist Church in Tyler, Texas. In all, she has 27 years of experience in women’s ministry and has served as Women’s Ministry Consultant/Trainer for LifeWay Christian Resources since 1991. She graduated from New Orleans Baptist Theological Seminary in the women’s ministry certificate program. Debbie is also an AACC certified life and ministry coach.
She and her husband John Mark live in Texas and have two grown children, Jarrad and Haley, a son-in-law Chris, and four grandchildren.

Debbie Swindoll
Debbie is the founder of Grafted Life Ministries. In her tenure there she envisioned and co-authored 10 studies to help Christians grow in their relationship with God and others. She currently writes, speaks, and consults on issues of relational theology and spiritual leadership and ministers as a spiritual director. She partners with her husband, Curt, at their company, Current Strategies, helping Christian leaders integrate best spiritual practices into their work life. She and Curt have been married since 1981 and enjoy their relationships with their adult children and seven grandchildren.
Debbie received her training in Spiritual Formation and Soul Care from Talbot’s Institute for Spiritual Formation at Biola University, completing her degree in 2007.

Arnita Taylor
Arnita Willis Taylor is the founder and owner of Eight Leadership Development Group, a leadership development company that provides customized learning opportunities like consulting, seminars, coaching and small group intensive interactions.
A natural leader, Arnita more than 25 years of ministry experience and is an expert in small group ministry training and development. Prior to starting Eight Leadership Development Group, she served as an associate pastor of small groups at Gateway Church in Southlake, Texas.
She holds a bachelor’s degree in medical technology from The University of Tennessee in Knoxville and a master’s degree in leadership with a focus on leader development from Walden University. She was awarded by Walden University a distinguished alumni award for her work in community leadership development.
She is the co-author of A Language of Healing for a Polarized Nation. Creating safe environments for conversations about race, politics, sexuality, and religion. She frequently facilitates conversations centered around race in relationships. In addition, A Language of Healing Live is on YouTube.
Arnita has served in local nonprofits, churches, chambers, schools and prison settings. She is a passionate insightful communicator for conferences, workshops, retreats and other events to enrich and empower people!
Personally, Arnita’s hobbies are reading, entertaining, floral designing, collecting African art and artifacts, sending out Evites and enjoying PEOPLE! She is the wife of 33 years to Michael and the proud and grateful mother of two sons, Evan and Nolan. She is based out of Keller, Texas.
You can contact Arnita at

Jill Williams
Jill Williams is currently the Founder and President of 2Step Executive Coaching, LLC, her third career. Her first was technology and training focused, initially serving as an IT professional. In time she began to serve IT professionals and those they served with a training company focused on establishing respectful and prosperous working relationships.
After that Jill moved into her next career, which she continues to this day, serving her family. Her children are now in high school and college.
God gave Jill a natural coaching mindset that has only deepened over the years through Bible study, Bible teaching, being discipled, learning to be a friend and allowing others to be a friend to her. Cross-country moves have also taught her much about the value of relationships and her need for the grace and power of Jesus.
Jill is married to Phillip and together they are the grateful parents of Mitchell, Grant and Suzanna.
You can reach out to Jill at

Elizabeth Woodson
Elizabeth Woodson is a Bible teacher and author who is passionate about equipping believers to understand the rich theological truths of Scripture. She loves helping people internalize their faith and connect it practically to everyday life.
She is a graduate of Dallas Theological Seminary with a masters in Christian education. She is also a contributing author for World on Fire and the author of the book Embrace Your Life: How to Find Joy When the Life You Have Is Not the Life You Hoped For.