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Practical Skills for Leaders

Is God using you as a leader? Taking the time to learn and implement the practical skills involved can make a big difference. Browse this list to find those that you need in your particular role:

Growing Teams into Communities

Caring for those you lead is a hallmark of a good leader. How do you build a team into more than a working group, but an actual community? This is also available on BOW’s podcast.

– with Claudia McGuire and Kay Daigle

Job Descriptions
Series focused on Meetings: Meetings that Work

Recruit the Right Volunteers – Lessons in Leadership

How does a leader recruit the right person for the job? Watch the video, or access this episode on BOW’s podcast.

– with Kat Armstrong and Kay Daigle

Casting Vision Series

Vision is essential when God calls you to something big. This three-part video series will help you with the basic principles, best practices and process.

– with Debbie Stuart and Kay Daigle
Link to "Casting Vision" series with 3 videos.

Vision for the Small and Ordinary Places

Vision isn’t limited to big ministry but applies to all relationships of influence. Learn how to cast a vision in smaller situations–with a mentee or in your family or small group. Watch the video below, or link to BOW’s podcast.

–  with Dr. Kay Daigle

Meetings That Work Series

Do you want to lead great meetings? Watch our three short videos below to make your time productive and enjoyable. Or access Part 1-Before, Part 2-During and Part 3-After on BOW’s podcast.

– with Claudia McGuire and Kay Daigle
Meetings That Work series

Does your church have events? This series linked on video below and on the BOW podcast linked to the titles provides guidance for both the event coordinator and the speaker. For those searching for a speaker: “Questions for Potential Speakers” and Is This Speaker a Fit?. For speakers: “As a Speaker, Do I Accept This Event?. Growing as a Speaker provides practical help for anyone who speaks or teaches.

– with Rebecca Carrell and Kelley Mathews
Link to "Navigating Speaking Engagements" series of 4 videos

Seek Volunteers More Gifted Than You – Lessons in Leadership

Recruiting good volunteers is crucial to any ministry. Kat Armstrong explains her philosophy of finding workers who are more skilled than she is.

– with Kat Armstrong and Kay Daigle

Be Strategic for Effective Ministry Series

Effective ministry depends on strategic planning. This very practical 3-video series will help you move ahead step by step. Or link to the podcast episodes: 1-Prepare, 2-Plan & 3-Proceed.

– with Claudia McGuire and Kay Daigle
Link to "Be Strategic for Effective Ministry" series of 3 videos

Organic Mentoring Series

Has your church’s structured mentoring program been only mildly successful? Watch all the videos below, or access our podcast episodes: Part 1 “The Challenge”, Part 2 “The Solutions” and Part 3 “Matches That Click” are accessible on our podcast.

– with Sue Edwards and Kay Daigle

Choosing Trustworthy Resources Series

With today’s proliferation of resources, leaders must carefully choose what we offer to others. How do we discern biblically? Watch the video, or link to the podcast episodes: Part 1 “The Problem”, Part 2 “Sorting Through Competing Voices”, and Part 3 “Determining the Central Truths of our Faith.”

– with Nika Spaulding and Kay Daigle

Notes & Theological Concentric Circles