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Recognizing Rape Culture with Dr. Joy Skarka

By May 21, 2024May 23rd, 2024No Comments

What is rape culture? Dr. Joy Skarka joins Kay Daigle to discuss it and ways to better care for and support victims in the church. Often the church is guilty of supporting rape culture. Joy speaks from her personal experience as well as her study and ministry focus on sexuality with Authentic Intimacy. This is a must-see episode for every disciple of Jesus. You can choose to watch it on video if you prefer. Don’t miss the helpful resources found below.


2:26 – Joy’s story
4:01 – Clarification of terminology
5:26 – What is rape culture?
6:40 – Why do women not report rape?
9:51 – Christians often encourage rape culture
12:00 – Pornography’s contribution
14:02 – An example from a sermon
15:47 – Women are Jezebels and men can’t control themselves – what do we do with that type of thinking?
20:26 – The theology of women taught in our churches affects the handling of sexual abuse claims.
21:46 – What practical steps can a woman in leadership in her church take to care for women who deal with sexual assault?
24:04 – Responding well to a woman who has been raped
26:18 – What can women do about “locker room” talk?
29:15 – Final encouragement


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