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Who is this Jesus?

A Journaling Study through the Gospel of John

See Jesus through the eyes of the disciple John as he and those around him learn who Jesus truly is.

Who is this Jesus? is a study of John in nine lessons. Rather than focusing on the author’s comments, each weekly three-part study is based on general, open questions that encourage journaling. Each week’s study is accompanied by a video of a woman’s story designed to watch individually online. (See links below.)

Do the study alone, with a partner or small group, or use it for your church-wide women’s Bible study.

Prices are for the download and include Texas sales tax. Paperback and Kindle copies are available through Amazon.

  • Who is this Jesus? (Individual download)

  • Who is this Jesus? (Download for groups of 10)

Contact us for groups that are larger than ten members
Watch Video: Tips for Leading a Journaling Study

Stories from Women who Know Jesus