Reposting and updating a popular post from last December in the hope that we all grow from what God teaches us from 2016 and how he is leading us toward 2017.
Why take time to reflect at year end?
Because God made us to grow and learn as we progress through life. We waste our hardships and our sorrow when we ignore their lessons.
I so want 2017 to find me more Christlike—loving God more deeply and others more practically, and having more trust in God when life is hard.
If you want to reflect so that you better reflect Jesus, here are some starter questions that I plan to use. Choose those that work best for you, or listen to what God speaks to your heart.
Reflecting on the past year—
- Where was God’s presence evident in my life this year? What prayers did he answer?
- In what situations did I step out in front of God? Why?
- What direction did God clearly lead me?
- In what ways did God surprise me?
- When have I felt disappointed? Why?
- How did God use me this year for his kingdom?
- How did God use me in the ordinary of life?
- What spiritual disciplines have worked to draw me closer to God and why?
- How regularly have I created space of silence to rest in God’s presence and hear his voice?
- What have I heard God say in a still, small voice?
Envisioning the New Year—
- What am I excited about in 2017?
- What is one word to describe how God is impressing me to live in the next year?
- Is there a verse or a short passage that gives voice to that characteristic or challenge?
- In what specific way can I be less self-focused and more God-focused?
- In what specific way can I be God’s presence in ordinary places?
- In what specific way can I better serve the least of these?
- What situations are calling me to stand for justice, love, generosity, and peace?
- What can I give away?
- Who can I invest in? (Maybe not a specific person but maybe general type: a younger woman, child, neighbor, or co-worker.)
- How can I grow my time with God? What spiritual disciplines should I incorporate or return to?
Let us know how God used this time.