It’s the first day of spring. The flowering trees in North Texas have been particularly gorgeous this year, perhaps because of heavy rainfall in February. Native redbud and dogwood trees can be seen in full bloom through the dead branches of other trees near creeks. But their beauty is showcased even more when they have been purposely planted by a gardener who envisioned them in places where their beauty would be enhanced.
Vision works the same way. We can influence and lead others without really seeing it in focus ourselves or communicating it well, but what we accomplish is so much greater when we take the time to visualize and then paint a picture of what the future can be.
Most of us have a vague vision for our children, our marriages, our work, the small group or team that we lead, or our ministries. But when we specifically pray about our purpose and paint that picture for others, we accomplish so much more. Not only does that give us all a target to hit, but it helps all who participate in it get excited about what the future will look like after all their hard work.
Have you ever been part of a group task that seemed like a great idea but ended up unsure of where you’re going or why you want to get there in the first place? I have. In time I lost my excitement and moved on.
A great leader finds ways to create a visual picture that motivates others to willingly work hard over time to get there.
Proverbs says that without vision, the people perish (Prov. 29:18). So do great dreams and ideas.
What has God placed on your heart to do? What does your family or your ministry look like if God gets hold of it? Can you verbalize it in a short and memorable way? Does that picture resonate with others? If so, as God empowers and leads you, you can lead others beyond anything you can accomplish alone.
What has God placed on your heart as a different future?
Previous posts in this series: Intro, Christ-centered, Calling, Character, Care.
Up next: Competence
Look for other posts on vision in our most read topics to the right.