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What Makes a Good Leader? 1: Christ-centered

By February 13, 2018May 6th, 2024No Comments

As we anticipate Valentine’s Day tomorrow, it seems fitting that the first characteristic of good leadership, being Christ-centered, is anchored in love. We have a true relationship with God because of his love in Jesus’s sacrifice on the cross. Our love for him then expresses itself in our love for others, the depth of our walk with God, and our obedience to his will.

How do we stay Christ-centered in a world that constantly pulls us toward things of lesser value? Intentionality. It doesn’t just happen. Just as we stay tight with friends or spouses only when we give them focused time, we don’t stay Christ-centered long without attention to him.

Love is at the center of walking with Jesus. As we spend time with him, read his Word, and deliberately listen for his voice to discern his will, our love for him grows, and he is able to love others through us.

The truth is that our efforts at anything, including leadership fail otherwise. In Jesus’s own words, “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing” (John 15:5).

If you influence others in any sphere, walking with Christ must be the foundational quality of your life.

What makes a good leader? Jesus living through you and me.

Read the introductory post on What Makes a Good Leader? and check back for future posts in this series.

Next up: 2. Awareness of her Calling


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