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Women in Public Ministry 3: Misread Women of the Bible

By December 4, 2019August 23rd, 2024No Comments

Sandra Glahn photoHave we misread some of the women of the Bible? As we debate the idea of women in public ministry, Dr. Sandra Glahn of DTS shares examples of such women. Their stories require us to revisit the issue to see how we’ve misread these women of the Bible.

This is the third of a series of podcast episodes on revisiting the issue of women in public ministry: 1-Revisiting the Issue as Individuals and 2-Revisiting the Issue as Churches.  Alternately, you can access all of them on video.

If you want to look at other resources by Dr. Sandra Glahn on revisting the issue of women in public ministry, go to the 11/19 blog post she did for BOW with a list of her articles on these topics.

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