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Why Use Live Teachers, not Video? with Susie Hawkins, Kristen Pool & Kay Daigle

By July 14, 2021August 27th, 2024No Comments
Susie Hawkins photo

Susie Hawkins

Kristen Pool photo

Kristen Pool

Why use live teachers, not video? It’s very popular in the church today to use Bible study curriculum that is video-based. But is using live teachers, not video a better way to disciple the women in your group or church?

Choosing curriculum for a Bible study involves thinking biblically about the pluses and minuses of using live teachers, not videos. Find out what you may be missing in this lively three-way conversation with Kristen Pool, Women’s Minister at Dallas Bible Church, Kay Daigle, Founder of Beyond Ordinary Women, and Susie Hawkins, Bible teacher/speaker and denominational leader.

You can easily link to all of our podcast episodes on the topic of teaching the Bible.

Kay Daigle photo

Kay Daigle

Or watch this episode on video, and browse BOW’ s Bible teaching page with links to many other helpful videos for Bible teachers.

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