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Finding a Mentor 1: Identify Your Goals with Dr. Joye Baker

By January 6, 2022August 29th, 2024No Comments
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Joye Baker

When looking for a mentor, consider your goals for a mentoring relationship? What do you want to happen? Are you looking for a Christian woman with more experience to talk to about life, leadership or the Lord? Do you want to study the Bible with someone? Or grow more Christlike at work or with your children? Your goals for a mentoring relationship help point you to the right mentor. Dr. Joye Baker of Dallas Seminary joins Kay Daigle in this three-part series to help you find a mentor.

After listening to this episode, connect to the next episode that explains how to find a mentor who fits you and your needs. And don’t miss episode 3 in which Joye stresses the importance of you and your mentor deciding how to proceed.

The series is also available on video.

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