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LeadershipWomen's Ministry

Are You Open to Adventure?

By August 30, 2013No Comments

Helen Keller said, “Life is either a daring adventure or nothing.” So, don’t be quick to say “no” to opportunities that don’t look like what you envisioned opportunity to be. Be open. Be daring. Be ready for an adventure. 1 Corinthians 6:19 says, “you are not your own”. What would happen if we lived that out?

Make sure you have surrendered “your” ministry, your life, your goals, your ideas, your way to His way. It helps ease any pain you might encounter later when things don’t work out exactly like you planned. Romans 12:1, “present your bodies a living sacrifice…”

Find a mentor or two. Ask a lot of questions of one who is older than you or has more experience in life or ministry. It is smart to find one who does not necessarily think like you and one who will challenge your thinking.

Be respectful of everyone you work with and encounter in life. Be kind. Be gracious. You will not always want to be. You will find people who rub you the wrong way.  You will come up against adversity. Be kind. Speak the truth in love.

Be inquisitive. Be a life-long learner. Take on learning opportunities that stretch you and grow you in ways that might feel uncomfortable.

Be vocal. Share your thoughts, your questions, your insights and your stories from your life and ministry that will inspire and encourage others. Make suggestions. Share your opinion when the floor is open to you. Don’t let opportunities to speak and share your wisdom pass you by. Be present.

Be bold and courageous. God did not give you a spirit of timidity. If He has called you, He has you where you are for a reason. Continue to discover it and live into it.

What are some ways you are living out your “daring adventure”?



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