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DiscipleshipLeadershipServing God in the Ordinary

Are You a Servant or a Leader?

By July 9, 2013May 6th, 2024No Comments

Duck & ducklings

George Barna’s poll 0f Christian women in August 2012 reveals that 49% characterize themselves as servants while only 36% call themselves leaders. When only one out of every three of us sees herself as a leader, it is no wonder that 75% of us fell that we should be doing more to serve God. We have likely misunderstood the value that God puts on each and every Christ-follower to influence her world.

It’s time that women in the church have a radical change of mind about leadership.

Every follower of Jesus is called to influence others spiritually (Matt. 28:18-20), and influence is leadership. We are here on earth to become more like Jesus so that others see him in us and are attracted to follow him. Such leadership makes a difference in the lives of those within our sphere of influence, and God highly values it. When we choose to become a spiritual influence—whether to one child, our family, our co-workers, or our friends—we lead in the best and highest sense of the word.

The responsibility to encourage and challenge other believers and those around us is leadership, but it is also servant hood. Jesus describes God’s type of leader is a servant-leader. When we love our neighbors, act that out in tangible ways, and speak of our love for Christ, we have made a huge difference in someone’s life. We serve and lead at the same time, just as this momma duck does with her ducklings. If we see ourselves only as servants and not leaders, we risk minimizing our roles and not realizing the impact that God wants to make through us.

Do you find yourself believing that you aren’t making a difference because your responsibilities are behind the scenes? Do you feel that only those who plan events or preach or teach are leaders? It’s time to adjust your thinking. Influencing someone else into life-change is a major leadership task. God has brought friends, family, co-workers, and neighbors onto our paths so that we make a difference.

Take on your responsibility as a leader by growing in that area, and by seeing yourself as one who is making a difference in the lives of others because God is at work in you.

You are a leader. Believe it!

This post was originally published at Beyond on September 20, 2012.

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