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Our American culture is quite health-conscious, but apparently most of us disregard what we know to be true about being healthy. We are a country of overeaters and overachievers, both detrimental to our health.

In many cases our churches behave in the same way regarding ministry. There are endless books and articles about building healthy churches and ministries, but leaders often disregard the advice—and for good reason. Although it’s easier to do when starting a ministry or church from scratch, the amount of information can make it overwhelming to navigate. To recreate what is already in place, however, involves change, a difficult hurdle to cross.

What help can Beyond Ordinary Women Ministries offer your church in this regard, particularly to help grow the women in your church as influencers in the home, workplace, and community?

BOW is here to help new ministry leadership move through six steps as they seek God’s guidance in prayer:

  1. Define the ministry purpose
  2. Focus the strategy
  3. Communicate the vision
  4. Build a simple organization
  5. Train leadership
  6. Evaluate results

For a restart of your current ministry (this can be an entire women’s ministry or one area of it), we begin by evaluating it and then reassessing each step from the top to discover the problems and determine how to address them to build healthy ministry.

If your women’s ministry is non-existent or failing to make a real difference in discipling the women of your church, contact us or add your comments to this post, and we’ll talk via this blog.


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