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Meet Claudia McGuire, New BOW Team Member

By June 29, 2013June 1st, 2022No Comments

ClaudiaMcGuireI am excited to welcome our newest team member, Claudia McGuire. Claudia and I became more than acquaintances when we attended many of the same classes at Dallas Seminary since we were both involved in women’s ministries at that time. Claudia is a highly-qualified and gifted leader, and she brings much ministry experience to all of our teams: speaking, leadership development, and consulting/coaching. You can read her bio here.

I interviewed Claudia earlier this week. I think you’ll find her insights helpful as you seek to influence others.

Q. Claudia, why did you want to be involved in this ministry, Beyond Ordinary Women?

A. I believe in this ministry and the local church. I thoroughly enjoy the process of helping people design and improve ministries so churches can be more effective in living out their mission. I welcome the opportunity to coach those who are ministry directors, coordinators or pastors, as they seek to discover and live out their purpose.

Q. As a life purpose coach, what would you say to a woman who has a vision for God to use her but is unsure what that looks like or how to begin figuring it out?

A. God has uniquely created people for His purposes. Our work has already been prepared for us. Our job is to walk in what God has already prepared. I enjoy helping people name their passion and give shape to their purpose. Through assessments and a coaching process, action steps are decided upon and a course of action is determined.

Q. You have begun ministries within your church. How do you find God’s purpose and vision for such endeavors? What if they fail?

A. I look at the mission of the church and as I evaluate where the church is and where it wants to be, I ask what is needed to fill the gap. I ask questions. I pray, spending as much time as is needed to determine the next step. And a strategy is put into place to achieve the goal. Honestly and gratefully, sometimes it just all comes to me at once; the program, the team, and the desired outcomes.

Failure is sometimes the process towards success. Ministry is a process; the church is a living organism and rarely is anything perfect the first time it is implemented. And, because times and people  and needs change; programs and events should too. God is always at work.

Q. What essentials do you deem necessary for building and maintaining a team of volunteers?

A. There are several things necessary for building and maintaining teams. Vision, prayer, personal invitations, care and communication are just a few of them.

Q. All followers of Christ are called to be influencers, really leaders of others. How would you challenge women in their particular spheres to reach out and grow their influence?

A. Be intentional. Make yourself available. Build into your team. Give away what you know. Help others be successful in living out God’s call on their lives.

Thank you, Claudia, for taking the time to give our readers a glimpse of your heart and your experience.

I hope that those of you in under-resourced churches will take advantage of the help of our team members, such as Claudia, who has so much to offer you in rebuilding, beginning, or tweaking your ministry in your church. Contact BOW and we will pair you with a woman who can help you with your specific needs.

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