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Book—Rock Solid Trust: Trusting God when Life is Hard

By June 26, 2018No Comments

For today’s post I interview Virginia Grounds of our BOW Ministry Team about her new book, Rock Solid Trust. 

Virginia, I am so excited about your book. What led you to write it? 

All you need to do these days is look at social media postings or see the news to realize that life is hard for many people. Much is lacking in relationship building, but much is communicated for relationship destruction. Trust is shattered. Lives are broken and respect is practically non-existent in the lives of many. It would be so easy to give up when hardships abound. 

But life for people of the Bible was not easy either, yet there were those who trusted God when life was hard. We can learn from their stories to trust God when our own lives seem to be spiraling out of control. 

I wrote this book to direct our attention back to the One who is trustworthy when others are not. God is the same today as He was for the people of the Bible. He can be trusted with our lives as we commit them to Him. There seems to be such a drifting away from reading the Bible, believing it is God’s Holy Word and trusting Jesus for eternal life. I just want us to get back to the basics – to stop believing what the world has to say and believe what the Word has to say, trusting God to see us through the hard times.   

Wow! I love your purpose because you are so right— it does seem that today there are fewer and fewer honest and godly people. 

Who is your intended audience?

Anyone who is struggling with issues of trust and living in difficult circumstances can benefit from this book. In addition, anyone looking to read scripture for a better understanding in applying it to their lives can work through the questions at the end of each chapter.

I know that your own life experiences have been very difficult at times. What situations in our own life gave you the experience you needed to write this book?

Oh Kay, this is a difficult question to answer! My life has been a journey of bumps and curves along the way. Financial pressure, job loss, cancer, family deaths, betrayal, burnout – oh my goodness, I could go on and on. Therefore, I can relate to every chapter in this book. That is why I know the answers given within it are true. I know that God is trustworthy. I know that God is a very present help in times of trouble. I know that He is perfect though I am not. I know He will not lead me to a place where He does not intend to go before me. How do I know these things? Because I have lived them, but have trusted God through them and He has been faithful. 

What one truth do you hope your readers gain from your book?

“The LORD is trustworthy in His promises and faithful in all He does.” (Psalm 145:13b, NIV)

What one main message do you want your readers to hold onto?

God is rock solid. He does not change. He does not shatter when pressure is applied. He is strong enough to carry any burden you cast upon Him. So, give them all to Him for He cares for you. In that you can trust!

Where can we get your book?  

The book can be ordered from my website at or from Amazon.

Thank you, Virginia, for letting our readers know where to get encouragement for seasons of difficulty and even doubt. 

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