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Four years ago I published my ONE WORD for 2014, which was in fact two words. The One Word idea is to allow God to show us what he is doing in our lives as we enter a New Year. What is he working on? What does you want you and me to be about? Here is the definition I found, also used in the previous post: “One word that sums up who you want to be or how you want to live. One word that you can focus on every day, all year long.”

Last year I was clueless and never got a real word. I kept changing it. So I’m certainly no expert on this.

But this year is different. This morning I was certain that I had the right word: Listening. For months I have sensed that I’m to slow down outside responsibilities to listen to God and focus on what he is doing in BOW and me. The year 2017 was full of too many distractions, and I felt them over time. This year my priority is to listen and do it well.

In a world gone mad, filled with conflict dominated by politics and selfishness, I can’t think of anything that I need more than to slow down and listen well–both to God and to others. I’m praying the result will be to allow God’s love to flow more freely through me to all for whom Jesus died.

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